Now This is a Bishop!


Did you see this folks? I must admit I was surprised when the U.S. bishops elected Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, to head the U.S. Bishops Committee on Pro-Life Activity! Wow! I have been honored to meet and speak with this great bishop on multiple occasions in the past and I can honestly tell you they could not have made a better choice. This is a bishop who has not only publicly called for Canon 915 to be enforced (the canon which states Catholics “obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion,” you know, the canon that is mostly ignored by the bishops), but has publicly and vigorously enforced it in the case of the former Governor of Kansas, pro-abort “Catholic” Kathleen Sabellius (nomen est omen, folks?).

And he did it the right way. He met with her. He explained the Church’s teaching to her. And when she refused to repent, he then banned her from receiving communion.

The fact that the bishops elected Archbishop Naumann over the liberal, Archbishop Cupich of Chicago, is a very good sign, folks!

Praise the Lord!

Check out this article for more details:

