Welcome To Apostolic Insider

Hi, this is Tim Staples, and I’d like to give a special welcome to all of our new Apostolic Insiders. Congratulations. I would like to just kind of open things up by giving you a sense of what you can expect as an Apostolic Insider. We’ve got lots of goodies for you.
Number one, you will be receiving two installments each month of either audio presentations, video presentations, or written articles. Remember, it can be any combination of any two of these. So in other words, I could do two audio presentations one month. Two videos the next month. Two written articles the next month. Or it maybe one audio, one written. One video, one written. I think you get the sense of what we’re talking about here. So you will receive two installments each month that will be exclusive for the Apostolic Insiders.
Number two, each installment that you receive is going to contain something that you would not be able to get anywhere else from me for free. For example, it may be a video, an audio. It may be something I’ve done before, thought about, reworked. But each time, there’s going to be something in it that is new that you can’t get for free anywhere else. So you’re going to be getting some inside information, folks.
Number three, you’re also going to be receiving exclusive special offers that my guys at the website are going to come up with. Of course, I’ll give the A-okay, too. You’re going to be getting special offers from time to time that are going to be exclusive for Apostolic Insider members. And I will guarantee it, they are going to be very special offers.
Number four, you’re going to be able to ask me direct questions concerning faith and morals of our Catholic faith, and I will respond to them individually. I’m going to be your private apologist. That’s number four.
Number five, for those of you listening, you’ve already got number five. Number five is if you join now, you are locked into our very special introductory rate of just $6.99 per month for life. You are locked in, folks. Of course, there’s no contract. You can cancel at any time. It’s a month-to-month thing. But you’re locked in for life at $6.99 per month, folks. This is a limited offer. It is going away. In fact, that number will go up. So tell your friends if they want to be locked in at that $6.99 introductory rate, they need to get locked in now.
Folks, that’s your five special things that you’re going to receive as an Apostolic Insider. I have to say I look forward to working with you, to growing with you as we share our faith together. We’re going to learn. We’re going to grow. We’re going to be empowered not only for our own salvations so that we will be empowered to go out and share this great gift of faith, the fullness of truth that we alone possess as Catholic Christians. Folks, together, we can really impact this world for our Lord and for Holy Mother Church.
That’s all for now, folks. But I’ll be talking to you soon. God bless.